For legal representation you can trust -
Memphis attorney Susan Mackenzie offers over thirty-five years of experience representing individuals like you in a wide range of cases.
Put Mackenzie’s legal expertise to work for your Memphis area legal issue. Her personal approach is focused on getting results in the areas of personal injury, adoption, divorce and estate planning. Susan Mackenzie has extensive experience helping the LGBTQIA+ community protect their interests and their relationships. This law firm has adopted the Standards for LGBT Families as established by LGBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders (GLAD), the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and the National Family Law Advisory Council.
Ms. Mackenzie has been trained in civil and family law mediation and is an approved Collaborative Family Law Attorney.
This website is designed to provide useful information about your Shelby, Tipton or Fayette County legal issue. To schedule a consultation, contact us.